World Alzheimer’s Day 2022: Know more about Alzheimer’s management

World Alzheimer’s Day 2022: Know more about Alzheimer’s management

No one has time to worry about health in the life of constant running. Some diseases are visible and evident while others are invisible to the eye and the patient is not aware of them until they progress. Such is Alzheimer’s. It is so early that the victim does not understand that he or she is affected. And how to recognize this? What is the treatment? Which age group is most affected? Now let’s see what are the symptoms? On the occasion of World is Alzheimer’s Day (21st September) explaining Dr. Avinash Kumar Addoju, Senior Neurologist, Kamineni Hospitals, King Koti, Hyderabad.

According to the latest report, every COVID victim above 65 years of age is most affected

● Fewer new complications are likely to develop as the disease progresses

● Loss of memory and judgment skills are key features

● It needs to be monitored for future disability

What is Alzheimer’s disease?

Alzheimer’s is a neurological disease caused by the death of cells in the brain. This affects memory and thinking. This amnesia starts with forgetting recent events and things and gradually progresses to the point where the person does not know who they are. As soon as Alzheimer’s is diagnosed, patients’ family members and their close friends question with misconceptions and suspicions about Alzheimer’s, the symptoms of the disease and its impact on daily life. By knowing the experience of medical experts and the facts confirmed by studies conducted around the world, it is possible to understand Alzheimer’s disease correctly, and if your family members and loved ones are affected by the disease, they will be able to take full advantage of the available medicine in order to deal with it at the initial stage.

At what age does Alzheimer’s disease occur? What are the symptoms?

Alzheimer’s is directly related to age and education. 1 in 9 people over the age of 65 are at risk of developing this disease. Alzheimer’s disease usually occurs at age above 65 years. But it is not limited only to old people. However, some doctors consider the symptoms of Alzheimer’s in middle-aged people to be the symptoms of middle-aged dementia or stress, depression, and menopause in women. Alzheimer’s disease patients also have problems with Navigation. For Example, they get lost/ forget the way back to their homes.

Memory loss does not necessarily mean Alzheimer’s disease. There are many reasons for memory loss. May be due to age. Or it could be due to malnutrition. Being under extreme stress can lead to forgetfulness. But it should be considered a serious problem if the memory loss is such that it disrupts ones daily personal activities, impairs thinking power, and makes it difficult to communicate with others. Then immediately consult a doctor and confirm whether Alzheimer’s is present or not. Memory loss can also be due to B12 deficiency and uncontrolled thyroid disorder which are considered as reversible causes of Dementia, as they are Treatable.

Can people with Alzheimer’s live a normal life?

A person with Alzheimer’s can live a meaningful life for many years. Alzheimer’s disease can be slowed down by eating a heart-healthy diet, getting regular exercise, maintaining active social relationships, and maintaining brain-building habits. If Alzheimer’s disease is detected early, there are drugs available that can control the symptoms of the disease and give good results. Therefore, early detection of Alzheimer’s disease is very important.

What treatments are available for Alzheimer’s disease?

When the disease is detected early, medications, family members’ services, and support can help control the progression of Alzheimer’s disease symptoms and decline in quality of life. Currently, two types of drugs are available in the international market for this disease. These two generic drugs, Memantine and Cholinetrease Inhibitors, have been approved by the FDA in America. They are recommended to control some of the symptoms of Alzheimer’s disease like memory loss, confusion, and inability to think clearly. There are currently no treatments available to reduce Alzheimer’s disease.

What precautions should be taken?

A healthy lifestyle such as regular physical exercise, eating a balanced diet, controlling body weight, and avoiding smoking can help keep the brain healthy. It helps prevent heart disease and diabetes, which are thought to be associated with Alzheimer’s disease. Maintaining active social relationships strengthens the connections between neurons in the brain and keeps the brain active. It helps in keeping the thinking power of the person from getting damaged.

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