Digitally transform Telengana Budget Schools to “Connected Learning Community”

Karimnagar : TRSMA (Telengana Recognized Schools Management Association) partners with MASP PRO (Microsoft Aspire School Program with Efeeonline) Knowledge Key Foundation organised a programme in city to digitally transform Telengana Budget Private Schools.

Over 9000 member schools of TRSMA spread across 31 districts of Telengana State can now become 21st Century Ready by transforming themselves into a Connected Learning Community

The Leader of schools associated with TRSMA attended the sign-up event for Knowledge Key Influencer program. 

Knowledge Key Influencer is a Leadership Program, where School leaders who have adopted technology in their own institution can sign-up as an influencer.

Influencers can help their associate school in the followng areas: 

·         Acquire, and implement technology

·         Become Piracy Free

·         Future Ready

·         21st Century Compliant,

·         To Go Digital and Green

·         To become Efficient

·         Quality Driven.

Knowledge Key Foundation is an elite club for the stakeholders of education, Education Institution Managements, Principals, Teachers, Students, Parents, Vendors and Government.

The Knowledge Key Foundation members will get the following advantages:

·         Exposure to 21st Century Education

·         Know how on Integration of technology in education

·         Expert advice

·         Recognition and rewards

The Influencers will foster group of schools. Once 25 members in the group have acquiring technology, Knowledge Key Foundation will invest in the following to empower the group.

Training to the teachers, students, management, principals and parents and also demonstration of latest technology in education, investment in experience centers, seminar for various stakeholders, school ranking, PR for the Schools, Annual Awards, School Audits to improve quality of education, experts to advice on efficient management of school and worldwide exposure for the influencers.

Mr. Ali Sait, President, Knowledge Key Foundation, said   “21st CENTURY requires the redefining of education methodology; the brick and mortar infrastructure of the past must give way to the technology enriched infrastructure in the future, learning must be from any place and on any device”.

Mr. Shekar Rao, State General Secretary, TRSMA said “This partnership will help us in our mission to create an enabling ecosystem to improve accessibility, affordability and quality of education.” 

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