Doctors at Kamineni Hospitals conduct critical Lung Removal surgery to give new lease of life to young mother

Doctors at Kamineni Hospitals conduct critical Lung Removal surgery to give new lease of life to young mother

Hyderabad: Surgeons at Kamineni Hospitals, LB Nagar, performed a complex Lung Removal surgery to save the life of a housewife and young mother of two children aged 3 years and 1 year. Neha Fatima, 24, was brought to the hospital with a complaint of recurrent blood in the sputum. After performing investigations, she was diagnosed with old pulmonary tuberculosis (TB) with cavity lesions filled with fungal ball.

In complicated medical conditions like lung cancer and TB, the lungs may need to have a lobe removed. This is called a lobectomy. Bronchiectasis is caused by repeated infections, which tends to damage the lungs. Fungal infections can cause tumors (aspergilloma). Mucosal mycosis is one such fungal infection. TB can cause irreversible damage to the lungs.

Any cough that lasts more than 2 weeks could be an indicator of lung infection. In such a condition it’s best to consult a doctor. Additional symptoms could be blood clots in the skin, weight-loss without any evident reason and loss of appetite.

“The patient had a completely destroyed right lung with cavity and dense adhesions. The fungal wall was seen within the cavity. The whole right lung was taken down with Staplers and ligature devices. The surgery was performed in time, otherwise it could have proved fatal for the patient.”

Dr Arun Kanala, Senior Consultant Thoracic surgeon, Kamineni Hospital, Hyderabad

The operation theatre (OT) at Kamineni Hospitals, LB Nagar, is state-of-the-art. Anaesthetists and pulmonologists too participated in the surgical procedure.

The surgery was done by Dr. Arun Kanala, Senior Consultant Thoracic Surgeon, and his team of Dr. Rajeshwar Anaesthetist, Dr. Subhakar, Senior Consultant Pulmonologist, and Dr Ravindra Reddy, Senior Consultant Pulmonologist, who have been treating such cases for the past 20 years with negligible mortality and morbidity.

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